scene in which the two males embrace and kiss... Milwaukee police say their Juneau Park has "a national reputation as a meeting place for deviates" and they're really out to clean it up. . . In Omaha, Nebr., James Baldwin's novel, "Another Country", was nearly banned but, reluctantly, the City Attorney's office cleared it after studying the critics' reviews all over the nation . . . The May '63 "Intelligence Digest", English newsletter, claims "Force X" is a dangerous international group whose leader is a compulsive necrophile and is intensely interested in the homosexual movement . . . In Annapolis, "The Peoples' Committee for Decent Literature" gives out a "certificate" to "complying" book The and magazine merchants. beauty shops in Burlington, Vt., have taken to advertising "separate salon" for men with all work "done in private" ... A Calif. appellate court has ruled it's unconstitutional to accept evidence from women store detectives who peek under partitions to see if suspected shoplifters are stuffing garments away

An organized crime syndicate that robs and blackmails homosexuals is the main target of Homosexual Law Reform Society with headquarters in London's Shaftesbury Avenue, right near Soho, where they maintain a barrister who keeps a file on all cases . . . In Roswell, N.M., a 24-year-old man pleaded guilty to grand larceny. When arrested he was waiting on tables at a restaurant as a waitress, which he'd been doing six weeks without anyone suspecting he wasn't a woman

And in nearby Albuquerque, N.M., a 71-year-old-young man pleaded guilty to sodomy with a 13year-old boy . . . In Stockholm, a mother of 3 was convicted of producing and selling sex films, and after the conviction she ran a public


letter in a newspaper that said, "Thank you, kind fellow human beings, for the sympathy and understanding you have shown for my reverses in the pornography case, and thanks also to all those anonymous donations to buy new photo equipment!"... In Augusta, Ga., an outfit called PRICE (Parents Resolved To Improve Our Children's Education) claims homosexuality is being "tolerated" in public schools . . . A streetside reporter from San Francisco Chronicle interviewed 9 pedestrians on "Are There Too Many Homosexuals In SF?" 6 said yes, 1 said he'd hate to see regulations passed, I was wishywashy, and the other said he'd never seen any so hadn't thought about it... Two vice cops snooping in London's Kandy Lounge in Soho's Gerrard Street said they saw at least ten pair of men dancing the twist, and the bar owners got fined for permitting disorderly conduct... That fine lesbian film, THE CHILDREN'S HOUR, one of the first to treat homosexuality under the liberalized code, was a dismal flop at the box office, so the predicted rush of homosexual films never came and probably won't... Ohio just passed a law requiring registration of all persons with two or more sex offense convictions . . The 6/26/63 VARIETY had a letter to the editor that says the real reason of the ban on the film LA POUPEE was that the leading feminine role was actually played by a man Calif's new State Supt. of Schools accused the State Board of being soft on sexual deviates, but a committee of lawyers appointed to study the procedures used in revoking certificates not only said they were "basically sound" but recommended even more safeguards to keep teachers from being scared into voluntarily quitting when "there are constitutional safeguards which might allow them to continue teach-